Derek Callan . Professional English


18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Talking about meetings - Part 2

Learn more useful vocabulary and phrases for talking about meetings in English


Regards, Derek

18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Making small-talk with a visitor

Learn simple and effective phrases for making small-talk with a company visitor


Thanks for watching!

18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Good in or good at?

This lesson is about common mistakes with prepositions - little words like on, at, for etc.


All the best, Derek

18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Are you snowed under?

Learn how to use this great phrase in this short interactive lesson.


Hope you like it! Derek

Hi everybody,

Check out my latest short lesson and improve your pronunciation skills!


All the best, Derek