Derek Callan . Professional English


18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Talking about past performance

Learn great vocabulary for talking about past performance in this short lesson


All the best, Derek

18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Making small-talk at the restaurant

Learn how to make small-talk effectively with these simple phrases


Thanks for watching!

18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Common grammar mistakes

Check out this short lesson and make sure you're not making these mistakes


All the best, Derek

18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

Play it by ear

Learn another great English phrase in my latest short lesson!


Hope you find it useful!

18.08.2019 - Derek Callan

How to pronounce knowledge correctly

A lot of people mispronounce knowledge. Lear how to pronounce it coreectly in this short lesson.


Cheers, Derek