Derek Callan . Professional English


Hello everybody!

I hope the sun is shining wherever you are!

Let’s look at some advanced phrases for talking about things you really like:


I’m a big fan of 80s rock music.

I’m really into French cinema.

I’m particularly fond of Thai food.

There’s nothing I like more than a good red wine.


Why not try one of these phrases the next time you get the chance?

All the best and have a great weekend,

12.03.2014 - Derek Callan

Number 41: Quizlet

Hi everybody,

I’m experimenting this week! I’ve created some flashcards for German-speaking learners on Quizlet! There are 8 pieces of vocabulary on the topic of companies.

How does it work?

Click on the flashcard to see the English/German word on the other side. When you have spent some time learning the words, choose a study mode at the bottom right for more fun learning options – scatter, learn and test are my favourites.

You can also click on the blue symbol to change the settings.

Have fun and let me know if you like it.

All the best for now,


26.02.2014 - Derek Callan

Number 40: More Phrasal Verbs

Hello everybody!

In Number 3: Phrasal Verbs, we looked at stick to and stay ahead of. Take a look at this great video and learn 5 more very useful phrasal verbs for business:

Have fun learning!


All the best,

12.02.2014 - Derek Callan

Number 39: Discussions part 2

Hello everyone!

Let’s have a look at more useful phrases for discussions:


Asking for clarification

What exactly do you mean?

I’m not sure I understand your point.


What I mean is …..

What I’m trying to say is …..

Let me put it another way ….

Checking that clarification was helpful

Do you see what I mean?

Does that make more sense?

Maybe you can try some of these phrases in your next English discussion!

Good luck and all the best,


30.01.2014 - Derek Callan

Number 38: Discussions

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all having a good week so far.

This week we’ll look at some useful phrases for discussions:

Giving your opinion:

As far as I’m concerned, we should accept the offer.

If you ask me, we should accept the offer.

Asking others for their opinion:

George, would you like to comment on this?

How do you feel about this George?


I share the same opinion.

That’s very true.

Disagreeing politely:

I’m afraid I disagree.

I’m afraid I can’t go along with that.


I hope you find this post helpful. The next post (in 2 weeks) will deal with more useful phrases for discusssions.

All the best for now,
